Friday 1 January 2016

Winter Walk to Ashow

Yesterday it was lovely sunny warm morning, and I was just itching to go somewhere local for a walk.  We walked to Ashow, across the footpath over the roaring dual carriageway, which quickly dips below an old stone bridge, then on quietly to the little village of Ashow.  The footpath I believe follows an old road and is called Rocky Lane, it has steep banks, with some wonderful trees where the roots are exposed, and where ferns dripping with moisture seem to be in leaf both summer and winter.  The Lords and ladies were already piercing the leaf mould, and on a shady bank a whole area of white blooms from some comfrey.  I'm not sure if it is wild or maybe has grown from some flytipped.

Through the village, I spied various very early flowering plants in front gardens, but we continued past the locked church, to the path over the swollen river, and walked a little way along it just to check whether any of the small islands of reeds had been washed away.

On our way back, we found that the Church of the Assumption of our Lady, which dates from the early Norman period was open.  We usually have a sit on the bench and enjoy a little rest there.  On our many walks past, this was the first time the Church was unlocked, and decided to have a little visit. Mr S read the history notes, but I just had a peep at the various wall plaques and simple but very effective arrangements of holy and ivy with white candles..

and then on our way out, amongst various notices I found this one..someone has a great sense of humour!

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