Monday 11 June 2012

New Auriculas Arrive

For the first time I bought some auriuclas on me to get the long bank holiday in the way, but the seller knew the problem and loved his plants and we agreed to wait for them to be posted on the Wednesday.  They arrived the following morning, beautifully wrapped. 

Labels showing the new varieties:  Golden Wedding, Bilbo Baggins, Taffeta, and Simply Red, were packed with each of the well grown plants, each having a very good root system.  They are all potted up and in the gazebo, sheltered from all the rain but with plenty of ventilation!  When I had some plants bought from the Malvern show, they all died off, so I'm crossing my fingers with these.

I've split up all my other auriculas and potted up some small plants ready to sell at the Gardening Club and to other friends too.  By the way all the proceeds go to the clubs where I sell them. 

I had planted up some succulents and also put my echeveria outside, but I think I shall bring these under cover away from all the rain......

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